Z Works Design Build receives a 5 Star Rating from Austin Energy Green Building Program for BOULDIN PROJECT!
Some of th
e features that contributed to the high point score of the 5 Star Rating:
-100% of the steel used for the structural system is recycled, some directly reused from old factories and warehouses.
-Salvaged heavy timber old barn beams.
-Reused steel trusses from an old Texas turkey barn and recycled steel decking.
-Recycled wood in framing and finger joint wood in stud walls plus all roof framing engineered wood.
-Reused spiral steel stairs, reborn railings from an old building.
-All wood siding is salvaged and used as a rainscreen.
-Salvaged exterior doors and front door have a new life in this home.
-Recycled and refurbished electrical fixtures. 
-All kitchen cabinets are old furniture and countertops are made from salvaged laminated beams.
-Salvaged wood beam bar in kitchen
-16,000 gallon rainwater cistern is tied to the metal roof.